Respected sir, It’s me. Didn’t recognise me? It’s okay. I never occupied that first bench to get your attention either. I never gave you my expensive pens and not asking for it later. I never conveyed your message to other staff members ever. I was bound to be unrecognized. Or should I say, I was never allowed to be recognized. The academic session began with that first lecture when you showed up and asked to introduce ourselves along with the “PERCENTAGE’ we passed out with. Henceforth, I learned to judge people by their academic capability. Not to mention, your changes in gesture towards students according to their marks. That “IMPRESSIVE” look to the 90% guy and that “GOOD FOR NOTHING” look to the student with 50%. If only you had considered to ask them what other things they were good at. Then came the time when you are supposed to make us sit because of course, we are too novice to decide what’s our best position in the class and you better than anyone knew...
If you are reading this, you just made yourself a new friend