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Yes, I under-rated her.

Of all the things I expected her to do for me, she couldn’t manage to get some of them right which was enough to piss me off.

I took her annoyance in the form of offence and felt proud about how much smarter I am than her, courtesy of all the sacrifices she went through to give me more than what I deserved.

She always helped me get through the tough times. If not by lending a hand but being my emotional support. I might have made a greater equation with some of my best friends but when life gave me the toughest of the situations, she was the one who came to my mind first.

I had reached to an age where I always had an answer for her question by discounting the fact that her point was not to conquer the situation but to make me teach a lesson out of it. Simply, I ignored her and that explains my arrogance.

Will it count as a co-incidence if every morning, in order to get me the best toast, she ate the burnt one in the process?

 And I would simply skip the food as I was getting late.

 Her quest to feed me the better toast hence failed resulting in doubting herself. But she never asked back. She never could have asked back.


Remember the time? When I would always make you my mutual person when it comes to ask for money from dad abut if he hesitated to give, your savings came to the rescue. Because my one night of partying would conciliate you more than what your one session of parlour would.
“Brow-plucking can wait for another month” you would say to yourself witnessing how that smile on my face diminished your quest to look younger.

Getting into my teenage, I presumed a single woman’s love is not enough for me anymore. So I went out of the house in order to find out someone who can be as good as you.

You see there? Never got time to respect your love but made sure I needed someone who can be “as good as you.”

It was about time when life taught me a lesson, the harder way. Simply, no one is and probably will never be able to be as good as you, willing to be as kind as you, willing to love me like you do and the most important thing-

Willing to sacrifice for me as much as you do.

And all my life, I scorned all of these thinking there goes no pain in order to do so much for your family and expecting nothing in return.

Mom, how can it be possible that when we go out to eat, the cheapest on the menu seems to be your favourite one?

How can it be possible that my 10k phone would bluff me to wake up early but not you, ever?

How can it be possible to feel the pain when it was me who was suffering from it?

How could you even know that the girl I liked who didn’t seem to feel the same way I do, has hurt me just by holding my pillow at the morning?

Mother’s day was a week ago and your son could never come up with something on time. And I know you would still love him the same way.

I want to say sorry for being a nuisance to you all my life and ignoring all the little things you did that turned out to be the biggest thing someone could have ever asked for.

And I want to thank you for always sticking to me despite me not being to the best of my behaviour at some moments which might have really hurt you and I promise to never let that occur again.

I HAVE LEARNT MY LESSON THE HARDER WAY. And I won’t regret for what it taught me.

P.S- since my selfie game has never been much high, I thought probably this would be the only way I can wish you HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY…..well BELATED HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY ACTUALLY.


Unknown said…
Very nice.... looking forward to read more blogs
Unknown said…
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Kaustubh Paira said…
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Kaustubh Paira said…
Thanks for your response. i will definitely try to live upto it....HAPPY READING
Unknown said…
Great job bro..keep it up..
Kaustubh Paira said…
Thanks Anis 🙂

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