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THE UNEXPECTED CLIENT( Part 3: Curtains Fall)

Click here if you missed the earlier part

I left the auditorium before-hand, tackling all the crowd so that I could get a chance to meet him, just like any other fan. But I didn’t want an autograph. I wanted to let him know that how I was completely aware of his situation now, and how I can help him get through this. I tried pulling the crowd back just to get one chance to talk to him. But the local media people had already hijacked him.
“Sir we are honored that you chose our city to end your tour. We were wondering if you can spare some time for the fans and answer a few questions.”
Joe wanted to hesitate I could tell. But putting up a convincing smile, he said, “Sure, why not?”
And they went on asking him questions, questions that were too cliché for an artist like him. Where did you began? Who do you look up to? The reason behind your success?
Joe had it all. They weren’t letting him leave. One can say the media were very much captivated by his charm, just like anybody else.
“We are going to wrap it up here sir with these one- What’s the last thing you are going to do in your life?”
Nobody saw it coming. Joe took a moment to answer it.
“Well, probably visit a therapist.”
Did he just say that!
Has he spotted me?
Or is he making a joke on me? I got anxious wondering my profession was being reviewed on main-stream media. But his fans and the media took a laugh out of it.
“Did I sound funny?” he asked, clueless that his fans were not yet there to listen his suffering.
“Of course, sir. Look at you. How can a comedian who has made a profession out of making people laugh even think of going to a therapist?”
It took some time for Joe to realize that the joke was on him instead. He left for his vehicle with one last line-
“Well, not visit a therapist but doing a show for my fans would be the last thing that I am going to do.” He signed off, showing his fans that they meant the most to him.
I saw his car taking him to his hotel. I couldn’t reach up to him. To me, Joe became the person I would never forget in my life. He left that lasting impression on our town. But he left a bigger one on me, as I got to know him better than anyone would probably ever could. I started walking back to home.
I have to give it to Joe though, he is a good humourist after all.
How was I not aware of such artistry!
But whatever it may seem, Joe has made a life-long fan in the form of me. Not for being such a great artist. But for being the human I always aspired to be. He didn’t let his personal issues affect his “larger than life’ aura. His quest to put a smile on everyone’s face was never left unfulfilled. From inside, he might be grieving for his losses but was always chinned-up to give sell-out shows. It’s a shame I couldn’t get to know him or his life better, but the thing he mentioned about his lover. Wish I could tell that person how much void she has left for Joe to fill.
But never mind, if not me at least I hope someone else can heal him. Given his resources, he can come across better therapists. He gave me a time of my life. Period. And he didn’t fail to impress either. Even after being done with the show, he left behind a mark of a true artist. I was wondering how he pulled up the joke about visiting a therapist would be the last thing, then rectified that he would rather do a show. What a funny guy. Those last lines were constantly running into my mind.
He did gave me a visit before doing a show. And he said it was the last thing he would do.
Wait! Could it be!
Suddenly, things started making sense. Joe was being cryptic the whole time and he somehow tried giving us a message which we all missed. I had the knowledge on human mentality. But didn’t expect Joe to do such a thing. I checked my watch. Maybe, it’s not too late. I ran as fast as I could. I was aware where he was staying.
I reached his hotel in around fifteen minutes. I went looking for the manager. I went up to him.
“Hello sir, I was wondering if I could see Mr Joe right now?”
The manager of course trying to maintain the protocol of his hotel,
“Look gentleman, I am afraid I can’t let you meet him because given his celebrated status, we are trying to provide him maximum security.”
“Please try to understand, he knows me and I am pretty sure he won’t be surprised with my visit.”
“Try harder, around ten fans have tried getting to him using this same excuse since morning, but of course my professionalism is too much for them to handle.” He said proudly.
“Look, I am a therapist and he has been my client. I need to meet him as soon as possible. It’s a personal matter and I can’t disclose.”
He was too firm to let me in. He kept on asking why I was making it look so urgent. People gathered around us as things got nastier. I didn’t want any of that. I just wanted to meet Joe that’s all. The chaos were suddenly silenced when sound of heels hurriedly approached us. An attendant came running downstairs breathing heavily. She was intimidated with what she had to say. Exactly what I had been trying to prevent from occurring.
“Sir, Mr Joe has been found dead in his room. And I found this pills on his table.”
There was silence all over the place. No one could utter a word.
A comedian committed suicide.


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