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THE UNEXPECTED CLIENT( Part-2: A Comical error)

Click here if you missed the beginning
Walking by the streets on winter evenings are great as well as quivering. The car was out for service, so I decided walking to the venue. It was just a mile away from my house.
Almost more than halfway through to the venue, and I could already sense the vibe of something energetic. It was like as if the comedian has taken over the atmosphere. I could hear those faded laughs from a distance. I could barely hear the jokes Mr Joe was cracking for the audience but I could clearly imagine how hilarious it could be. I showed my pass at the entry to get inside.
As I got closer to the arena, those vibes took over my nerves too.
I wish my client from the clinic was here. It would have definitely helped him a lot. But keeping my professional sentiments aside, I stepped inside for my personal recreation.
That voice, that fur coat and every minimal details I noticed during the day.
It was the same person.
My unexpected client. My “DEPRESSED IN LOVE” client. I literally invited him to his own show. I just went to my seat and started wondering about what was exactly happening.
The person a.k.a the great comedian Kevin Joe came to my clinic earlier wondering if I could help him get out of his existential crisis. I tried asking him about his life. But he preferred keeping it to himself. He tells me how he has given up on emotions and attachments, how he has been a failure in love and how he is afraid that he can never express it to people he cares for again. The society is too rigid to believe a comedian is going through depression. Aware of this, he never disclosed his identity to me fearing I would judge him the same way.
Looking him performing on-stage, with glitter in his eyes, the passion to put a smile on the audiences’ face, something that he couldn’t get for himself. It takes boldness to put up a show despite being emotionally ruined at the same time. Seems it was him who came for therapy but it turned out to be me who learned a thing or two about life.
How can you put a brave face and don’t let the problems hamper your job?
I was perhaps wrong about him. The person who I met didn’t seem strong enough to turn up to a show and make a sell-out audience laugh. I was so lost in my thoughts that I missed the majority of the show. It was finally when I paid attention to how good he actually was.
The audience were left in splits. He was taking all of the applauds. I wish someone in the audience could get what was actually running into his mind. He went on adding some 10-15 minutes to the show as a sign of gratitude because it was his first time performing here. The audience gave him a standing ovation for the show he did. He claimed his experience as extravagant and wished he could spend more time with this city.


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