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        It was Sunday afternoon.i was lying on my bed thinking how i have wasted half of my the meantime,i was wasting the other half by giving too much of time to think about it.i know how this will the night,i will regret for being lazy throughout the whole day and promise myself to make my next weekend worthwhile.that regret wont seem too effective though. i have been regretting about my bad weekends ever since the day i knew the meaning of the word 'regret'. but that Sunday was something else. i never had such an urge to make my weekend worthy as the laziness and boredom was getting on my nerves. so i decided to pen down a list of things that can be done till the end of the day so that i can at least save myself from one regretful weekend. i took my notepad and started penning down stuffs which were doable at that moment. first came into my mind was asking out my crush for coffee. it seemed like a good idea when suddenly i watched myself into the mirror.i had to tear that page and start listing things again.get drunk?NO, i have been in a dry state for quite sometime. random silly ideas came into my mind only for the pages to be torn again and again. i totally lost my cool and threw myself to the bed again cursing my stars for giving me such bad weekends(and engineering of course). i was staring at the ceiling fan circulating the same hot air around the room. i wondered even a plastic fan had a purpose on weekends and then there's me who can't even write down simple things to do for the Sunday to pass.
        Comparing myself to a plastic fan actually made me doubt my sanity.but people of my age during their bad moments will get it. to distract myself,i reached for the newspaper searching for something interesting(not Sudoku). i was going through all those freaky ads of under-wears,matrimonial and Japanese oils when my eyes suddenly met with an article where the author was suggesting some ways to deal with a break-up. the topic was surely not my thing but what caught my attention was a line in bold that read,"WRITE YOUR MIND OUT". it took me some moment to realize that the writer encouraged the heart-broken people to write their feelings rather than just sulking into the pain. and i thought hitting gym helps you recover from break-ups. the article was kind-of a bit irrelevant to me but writing my mind out seemed to be a good idea. writing did helped me earlier to recover from situations i didn't want to face. so i thought to write for the rest of my day. but i was too lazy to reach for my diary,pen and study table(yes, even you can doubt my sanity). so i opened my laptop,opened a word document and started typing. side by side i was googling about random stuffs where my eyes met with something twice on the same day for all the good reasons. maybe, i shouldn't curse my stars much. an ad suggested viewers to blog about their things of interests and reach out to new people with similar opinions. though i was aware with the concept of blogging,i never gave a thought of doing something like that. moreover,engineering was taking the most of my day. i went through that ad for some more time and found it quite amazing. after reading all of it,i was a bit fascinated by the fact that blogging was so cool and as a matter of fact,all it takes is just a few hours a week and you will open yourself to vast world of rich content and quality blogs. i was hesitant a little bit for my hold in English has never been appreciated much. but who is here for a longer run huh? so i set-up my blog account in five minutes and have been writing whatever you people are reading since the beginning.
        I checked my was 9.00. instead of wasting my rest of the weekend by lying on bed and listening to coldplay's ,i blogged about my not-so-bad weekend while listening to coldplay's. all it needed was a bold line which stated,"WRITE YOUR MIND OUT". a simple line just saved my weekend from being usual. as i said i am not here for a longer run,so i never thought about the followers and the money i am going to make by blogging. it was just about the satisfaction of finally making a weekend worth it. so guys,what are you waiting for? go and find something for the weekend to pass....or if u have nice face,ask out your crush for a coffee.who knows,she might say a yes.THANKS FOR READING. :-)


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