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You must be thinking one month since this so-called blogger flooded your phones with please read, like, comment ,share, subscribe and suddenly coming up with this new blog. Well to be honest, Blogger has a sacred right of closing your page without informing you and make way for better content. Since, I was struggling to look for a material worth sharing and my oriented topics were supposed to be on life, relations and all youth-centric stuffs. So, I tried to work on those when my schedule was hit by a massive bolt. "EXAMS". You can read my blog "BEFORE THE EXAM" on my page. I am making it short so here I am...

I may fail the semester.

I may appear for remedials.

I may don't get a college of my choice.

I may end up being a loser.

These are the nighmares we usually get after a bad semester. We try to figure out what really went wrong. Lack of study hours, more eyes on crush than on professor, thinking about places you can go with your talent rather than licking this dusty fat reference books. Some can multi-task handling both their passion and studies at the same time. But some might succumb committing  to both things equally at the same time. They end up preferring their work which is more like 'just a secondary thing' in the eyes of their family. Unfortunately, most of the 'they' are us reading this questioning ourselves that have we been acting the same all our life?

Well, maybe not but there came a time after a bad result where all we wanted was to blame ourselves for taking a course which was a legit wrong choice and only had pity for the time when we decided to take it it up for the next four years and after that proceeding with it in a 9-5 job till the day we retire.

We might even think of backing of half way or starting with our preferred thing all over again.

Or else end up losing a few years but would it be worth it? we end up looking for motivating stuffs on the internet to get inspired, making us believe that we are not the only one suffering it or worse, spending bucks on therapists.

Well guess what? If only we can change the way we look at things. Why do you need any motivation if you can set yourself as an example. Look all the way that you came through- clearing your exams, passing school, tackling viva, making it to the deadline submissions, endless night-studies,that hard-earned alternate saturdays. All can't be wasted for just a bad semester. Just when the feeling of quitting comes, think that why did you started on the first place.

And for a moment, let's say a motivator is a bigger deal than your self-understanding, what's their purpose? First, to make you look that you are indeed in need of motivation, it will first show you that how much you suck and how , encouragement and all philosophical stuffs in life you need right now. They come in various identities but with the same agenda Basically, they work just like a girlie magazine where the cover model would push you for that dream shape but inside, you know DIY cake recipes etc. So, in the name of motivation, you get to hear that how your life is sucking at the moment and how you can get it back on track by making time-table, getting the best tutors and random bullshit. And trust me, at the times of your low, the last thing you want to hear is how much your life is sucking from someone else.

So, I a certified retard who might not know how to come up with a good blog can anyhow come up with this "NO"tivation. Now, what is this? well, the "MO" being the other half of  #fomo is finally being missed out and switched to "NO" asking people like you and me to never doubt ourselves in the midst of all the bad things happening around and stop giving a damn to the bad things.

Bad things do happen. Bad results do occur. Bad phase do come. And all those 'BADS' can be nullified depending on how you counter against it. I tried it and trust me, with that one simple 'NO' to your supposed well-wisher you can save yourself some complexion and the most important thing, 'TIME' which you really need right now in order to kick-start your coming semester.



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