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Probably, an ounce of EGO I guess. Or at least, something worthier enough than to revert to the person who might be waiting out there for that one “TEXT” back.

In this generation of texting and multi-media we have somehow managed to put those good old post-mails and telegrams out of service. We did succumb to this texting and SMSing game quite shamelessly and apologetically. And in the midst of all that, we did realized that our value in some other’s perception is based on the amount of ignorance we throw to them by not responding to a message-
like a girl to that “friend-zoned” guy
like a guy to that “annoying” cousin or WORSE
like a grand-son to his needy folks

Everyone has their side of story to tell. They say they were too busy to respond but weren’t busy enough to unlock their phones, then checking the person who sent it, reading that message to the whole and then deciding to not reply back.

Sure, the message wasn’t important enough to reply back to the person or at least asking them to wait for a response in a while. But in the end, they expect them to understand the situation even if it would have taken just a minute of their time to revert back or simply tell them, “I am busy. Let’s talk later.

Now, every person’s self-analysis suggest that maybe their act of not responding back will show how well they are occupied in their own skin or how much busy they are with their life to respond to a simple text. And this issue is not limited to a certain age-group. “TEXT-ZONED’ is for real and exists along every person out there. Probably, you are now enjoying that guilty pleasure of not messaging someone back but next thing you know, you are falling a victim to it. And not trying to be mean, but let’s just admit it,


These topic is neither thought-provoking, nor any kind of first-world problem, but the way social media has taken a storm in our lives, I guess friendships, relationships are all held together by this tender thread of communication, which we keep together by communicating or tend to break it up with no response on a deliberate basis. This resulted in me losing around a dozen of contacts last year.

This blog has nothing to be called as an example but just to get a clarity on what runs into the mind of the person behind the screen. I am just addressing this because, just like myself, a friend found it hard to accept that people’s bewilderment is superior to the interest in responding back.

No one’s asking for a reply back. But just don’t be that oblivious person. Just tell them you’re not interested or talking to them is not worth your time. Simply, they wouldn’t be ever left with a question that why on earth that person would ignore them and stop bothering you from the day after.


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